Review 376: Kung Fu Panda 3

Kung Fu Panda 3 is like stepping into a room you haven't walked into for a long time. Familiar yet unfamiliar in that it's more of the same but there's something new that's been brought to the table, which is nice.

Po meeting his real father is treated as a really odd experience for him because he’s been raised by his adoptive father his whole life and now his biological father returns and he has to deal with that.


Be yourself and be true to yourself:

There are one or two drawbacks, 1. Despite the fast pacing, the film can drag in spots.
                                                      2. The humor is more hit-and-miss, than the first two films in that it                  
                                                           ranges from silly to infectiously hilarious.              

Fortunately, the silly stuff doesn't very long and we get back to the drama, the spiritual journey's the great characters and the other things we love about the series.

Returning director Jennifer Yuh Nelson’s direction is  the production design is , the character design is the score by Hans Zimmer is  


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