Review 701: Up in the Air 

Based on the novel Up in the Air by Walter Kirn, Ryan Bingham (George Clooney) is a corporate "downsizer" who is truly living the high life. Flying all over the world on business, in his case employment termination, he never stops moving... until he meets Alex Goran (Vera Fermiga), a fellow passenger and business woman and learns that life isn't about the journey, but the connections we make along the way.

Of course, on the face of it, the idea of a businessman flying all over the world firing people is not intrinsically funny but George Clooney embunes the character of Ryan Bingham with his usual, Danny Ocean-esque charm and charisma that he

It turns out that Alex is, get this, a businesswoman who travels a lot.

the score by Rolfe Kent is 

George Clooney, Vera Farmiga and Anna Kendrick have  their realtionship is almost oddly paternal in way


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